Category Archives: Uncategorized

See you next year!

Hey everyone! We just wanted to say thanks for some amazing support in 2015. We’ve played some amazing shows, met a lot of wonderful people, been on TV, drank beer and hung out. It’s been epic. Right now, we’re taking a little breather. Jay’s back in school, and Kev’s in Australia. We will regroup and return early in 2016. Have a wonderful winter.

Long Beach This Sunday!

We are playing Alex’s Bar (the bar from True Blood, vamps) on Sunday! Time and details to come, but mark your calendars.

A show with Clutch The Pearls!

We have been playing shows with our dear, dear friends Clutch The Pearls for nigh on three years, and we’re super stoked to play with them on Saturday Sept 12 at the Lyric Theater in Silver Lake. They’re celebrating the release of their debut single. It’s fucking awesome and you can buy it there, on the night. The show is $5.


Echo Park Rising – the details!


So, here are all the details for the Chew Toys show on Saturday Aug 15. We play at 8:30pm at Little Joy, 1477 Sunset Blvd. It’s free to get in. It’s gonna be a fun show. Hope to see you there.

The Chew Toys are playing Echo Park Rising!

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No shows for a little while…

We are taking a break from live shows for a while to focus on demos for our second album. See you in August!

Towleroad shows us some more love!

The very swell Towleroad blog has given us a nice shout-out because we went on national TV and were all gay and shit. Check it out here.

Get Our Album FOR FREE!

Yep. That’s right. We’ve reduced the price of our digital album to nothin. NOTHIN. There’s a tip jar there, if you want to pay for it, you can. If not, you can download it for free. We figured this ain’t ever gonna make us rich, and we’d rather that people had the songs so they can sing along better at our shows. Head over to the store and get downloading.

Another reason to love Ireland!

Hot on the heels of their awesome vote in favor of national marriage equality, Ireland’s premier music blog have done a nice post about our recent appearance on Last Call With Carson Daly. Check it out here!

Last Call With Carson Daly

We don’t know what to say except we’re on Last Call With Carson Daly late tonight, NBC, 1:35am. Technically early in the morning, Thursday May 21. Kind of exciting.