Leather Sweater video premiere at CMJ.com!

Our first ever music video is premiering right now over at CMJ.com! The video was directed by the third Chew Toy, Steve Gidlow, and co-stars Greg as the murderer! Thanks to Eric at CMJ.com for his support. What a fucking champ!



Limited shirts for sale via mail-order!


The two limited shirts we did for our last couple of shows are now available for those out of towners and lazyboneses who didn’t come to the shows. This is what happens when you forget a bag of merch behind your amp at a show. Anyways, there aren’t  a ton left. There are photos of the colors and sizes over on the Facebook page. Not all sizes are available in both designs. They’re $25 each shipped for US residents and $30 each shipped to our foreign friends. When they’re gone, they’re gone. If you’re interested, message us at chewtoysmusic@gmail.com and let us know what you want and we’ll send you an invoice. Thanks!

Thanks and shirt update!

Thanks to everyone who came to the show at the Eagle yesterday. What a great fucking time we had. Probably the loudest, most violent show we’ve ever played. Hope your ears are done ringing. Ours aint. Also, we are now down to XL only on the album cover shirts, and there’s only five or six left, so if you want one, grab it soon. We are also nearly out of the I Miss Quaaludes shirts, but we will make a few more for out of town folks and we’ll put them on the site soon. We’re shooting some music videos this week, look for updates soon. xoxo


We’re playing a birthday party at the Eagle tomorrow and we thought it was a private event, but nope, you can come if you wanna! We take the stage at 5:30pm.


We’ll be playing our annual show on Kev Chew’s birthday – December 6 – at Permanent Records in Highland Park, supported by the mighty metal magick of Sapphic Musk! 630-830. Free, all ages. BYO.

We have a publicist!

Please welcome Kurt Nishimura at SILVERLAKE MEDIA to the Chew Toys team. For interviews, review copies of the record and anything else, hit him up at kurtnishimura@earthlink.net


That’s great! Tell the store that they can order The Chew Toys debut album (the tricolor vinyl version) from Cobraside Distribution here in LA. They’ll hook em up.

New Song Sneak Peek

Pop over to the VIDEOS page to see the live debut of a new song, There’s A Reason Why You’re Single.

Album cover shirts selling out.

Hey punks – just a heads up – we just sold out of SMALL, MEDIUM and XXL in the Album cover shirt and we are getting low on other sizes.

Tonight’s show canceled! Sorry!

We have had to pull out of tonight’s show at Timewarp Records, sorry punks. You should still go see Vial, Scrapies and Quaaludes! xo